Saturday, January 14, 2017

world famous family of Wu household, involving Donald Trump, Melania Trump, Barack Obama, Michelle Obama, Stephan Wilson, and Sundai Pichar

world famous family of Wu household, involving Donald Trump,
Melania Trump, Barack Obama, Michelle Obama, Stephan Wilson,

and Sundai Pichar
or Eric Schmidt

none knows them
until Wu Jiahong makes his way to Peking Univeristy

then Yan Ji to Beijing Wuzi University
and Obama, Harvard Law School

Michelle Obama, Princeton University,
Joseph Singer, Martha Minow, Harvard Law

Trump University is grand
due to relatives such as Fred Trump, Vanessa Haydon, Barron Trump, Tiffany Trump

Wu is not the top officer here
but Wu and Yan are trial blazers

who make their way to Chicago, IL
Princeton, NJ

Austin, TX
San Francisco, CA

we focus on Wu and Yan
because they are ordinary and also extraordinary

they are famous bur riders
but they never know that their relatives already existed, by knowing

Bill clinton and Georege bush, and Audie Leon Murphy are Ammerican
leaders in politics

and Barack Obama, and Donald John Trump,
including Joe Biden, Dick Cheney, John Kerry, and Al Gore are politicians and policemen

why top sheriffs shall admire Wu Jiahong and Yan Ji?
because they have won fame, status, and residency without using those mentioned above

so, today, Google, Yahoo, and Apple,
including cisco, amazon, lulu, create space, and wangfujing book makers are relatives

because those ceo all begin to think that they need to have computer scientists such
and high technology firms to survive

Bo Xu, Bing E Xu, Linlin Wu, Bowen Fan, Tom Lee Wu, Sheng Wu, Alex Zhu, Chris Wang

Abbey Wood, Bing Yin, Aimei Wu, Daihong Zhu, Hong Zhang, Bing Ma, Yongtao Yan

Xu Bo relates to Tang Gangqing who relates to Wu Aihong and Peng Lexin, Wang Min

all of you are more appealing but still, Wu Jiahong and Yan Ji most profound

because they carry Aisan name, not American name,
because they persist Research, Freedom of Expression, and love Mary Fallin, and Bob Young

because wu and Yan do give Zhao, Feng, Suo, Zen, He, Hu, Ju, Nie, Xi, Yang, Jiu, Xu, Yuan, Dong chances


Wu jiaHong, world famous applied math faculty,  Kong Qiangjiao's son and Charles Haydon's nephew

Yan Ji,  world famous because she represents Jingle Yan, Venetian Peng,  TRevor Grayson Clark
and she relates to Melania Trump, Lara Yunaka, Ivanka Trump, Laura Bush, Ann Blair, Mimi Schapiro,  Theresa Burke, Patricia Young, Peng Liyuan, Yang Kaihui, chelsea Kim,
Megan Barry, Michelle Overman, Linda Jaco, Lin Lichi, Ann Alspach, and Yan Fu

Image result for jiahong wu at princeton 
Image result for jiahong wu at princeton  Yan Ji,   7 years old, winning award from perfect math performance

Image result for jiahong wu at princeton
sheng wu, germany 1999

Image result for jiahong wu at princeton 

lilyn cheekawood,

Image result for jiahong wu at princeton  peter constantin
Image result for jiahong wu at princeton

tom lee wu and yan ji

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