Wednesday, November 25, 2020

short story slam week 165, poetry potluck week 65



lovely day

the autumn sunshine falls bright

no chriping birds

strong voice can be heard from some confused neighbors

Friday, October 30, 2020

poetry and story inn fridays week 91

 Fresh Hand Drawn Spring Rain Umbrella Girl Background, Fresh, Hand Painted, Spring  Rain Background Image for Free Download 

a small girl

fancy dreams

cute house

a good bed and some silky quilts

soft pillow case

what a good dream to begin 

even if the day is rainy

the mood shall remain dry and fit

Friday, July 31, 2020

poetry potluck week 64, short story slam week 153

Happy 37th Birthday, Kate Gosselin! - E! Online

Happy 37th birthday,  Kate Gosselin....William Dyer, Shawn Bird 2011

a festival event
some good grape wine
da qing oil
da sai agriculture
lots of energy in  Harbin citizens

Thursday, June 25, 2020

humor week 48 ....short story slam week 150

60,000 flock to south where fields torched by incendiary balloons ... 

balloon lily flowers

What To Do In The Garden This Month | Thompson & Morgan 

peoney yueji flower

Nerine Pink Flower January to August | 

goshen morrison flower

The Medicinal Wonders of Lotus Flower - Garden Collage Magazine  lotus plant and  beijing flower

Auktion - Chinese Works of Art am 18.03.2019 - LotSearch    yufansong flower

Thursday, February 27, 2020

humor week 31, poetry potluck week 55, short story slam week 137

Image result for samantha murphy

samantha murphy at

Image result for samantha murphy   Jewelry samantha paris at

Image result for samantha murphy    larry page at

Image result for samantha murphy  judy blume at

Sunday, February 9, 2020

Monday, January 20, 2020

hyde park week 94, humor week 29, poetry and story inn fridays week 62,


Image result for annapolis montuwa                 


golden finch
blue and yellow feathers
small eyes
big belly
the silence
the distance
all make our imagination higher ground