Monday, January 28, 2019

short story slam week 107, poetry picnic week 48

Image result for happy 2019 in china 

south china university of technology

Image result for happy 2019 in china   

Image result for happy 2019 in china    

piggy bank piggy bank piggy bank
monkey bar monkey bar monkey bar
2017 2018 2019 2020
chick dog pig dragon


great luck
awesome relation
lovely words
smart children

Friday, January 4, 2019

poetry picnic week 48, short story slam week 105


Welcome to Jingle Poetry At Olive Garden
An Italian Poetry Cafe For Poets Who Share and Get Inspired...
This blog has started its operation officially on August 18, 2011.
we have had Up to 12 positions are here to serve you, a fellow poet, who are either previous supporters of Thursday Poets Rally, or Jingle Poetry Community, can take a leadership role in this new garden room. we are on the run for 8th year on August 18, 2019, and we have been on a phrase
which makes us think of better terms: prayers, meditation, high tech, spelling bees, and world peace
through poetry picnics in any where, anytime, and any subject...

a feature

Loose Change

I turned over a new leaf
Which was attached to a branch
Linked to a trunk
Rooted in the ground
The cold dark earth
The warm light earth
Where used to reside the roots
Linked to a trunk
Attached to a branch
That held a leaf
Which turned me under
When you don't know
where your story's going
because you don't know where
your life is going.....