Saturday, March 19, 2016

happy birthday to chris fine

chris fine
a job well done

alan victor
making things better

wavely wang
finding a faculty from Vanderbilt university called Jing Wang

alexandra wang
enjoying some research with amelia fong

max barry
traveling all over the world to feel merry

laszlo stein
find ann blair and mira singer dance marathon

morton steak
mimi pork, they seem well done on calyle

cairo drinks
ann's bras, wow

look at marion and huck gas
we feel powerful on cayla, bailey, philip, megan, bruce, alexis, rose, patrick, joe

 Image result for nicholas zeppos  nicholas zeppos
 Image result for vanderbilt university

Image result for university of wisconsin, madison

recall alexis inn and baymont nashville cross vanderbilt bridge, west end street

west end street
barnes and noble spirit

one brooking avenue
Washington university proposal

cadiz max fuel
kentucky matt bevin wisdom

tennessee river
a way to pass our mood from nashville to frankford

nicholas zeppos is firm
when he believes that students shall all feel good

and when janakle nodds her head
rose bradley feels the urge

people all gather to contact goodness
none will be admitted as bad force

when lyle street hosts wellbridge business
clayton hotel and howard johnson founders smile

things go perfect in joplin
the meals from Springfield is fine.

saint louis arch and their fancy dreams in the past

 let go of our sorrow
let bloom of our rosy heart

let go of yesterday's lose
win over today's carpool riders

drive a long way
see life science and uncle jerry

smile at a stranger
bake some cakes for march parade

saint louis arch and their fancy dreams

look at it,
it is elegant art

climb it,
feel the height

sit on the cart wheels
sense the motion

promote it
foresee the technology

we love saint luois arch
we write about how it shape our views

we let it stand, tall and beautiful
and we sing music from bill haslam mall

maybe mark wrighton agrees
maybe risa zwerling wrighton loves it

yet, i know molie maples intends to change her mind
i bet she preserves her opinions, supporting tom

Image result for saint louis arch 

Image result for saint louis arch